Nilay Özsavaş Uluçay  
PhD, Assoc. Prof., Mugla Sitki Kocman University, Turkey  
ABSTRACT: The aim of this study is to examine the subject of modernism and the  
Research Article  
international style and to analyse a building of that period. The study provides a  
method for interior design analysis. In order to make interior analysis, a system  
consisting of basic design principles and architectural design criteria has been created.  
According to this method, space is evaluated in two parts as physical environment that  
includes architectural and interiors parts and aesthetic environment that includes  
elements of design and principles of design. In the study, interior design analysis of  
Villa Savoye designed by Le Corbusier is performed. Villa Savoye, which constitutes the  
basis of the design principles of the modern period and is one of the important  
examples in interior design, is analysed according to this method. As a result of this  
examination, Villa Savoye has been found to have the characteristics of the term  
appropriately but also has some application problems. With this study, it is aimed to  
contribute literature about interior design analysis method and adapt this method to a  
PII: S238315532000002-9  
Received: 05 May, 2020  
Revised: 10 June, 2020  
Published: 15 June, 2020  
Corresponding author:  
KEYWORDS: Interior Design Analysis, Method Proposal, Modernism, The  
International Style, Villa Savoye.  
new technologies during the nineteenth and  
twentieth centuries [6].  
At the end of the 19th Century, modernism emerged  
with the development of the industry. It is used to  
describe a style other than traditions. Coates,  
Brooker and Stone [1] describe that modernism is a  
movement that developed between 1890-1960,  
defining the modern world, and being a social as well  
as design and architecture. As a new cultural  
approach, modernism is based on the idea of seeking  
simple solutions to the requirements of the age and  
questioning everything [2]. The ideas of modernism  
spread in the first period of the 20th Century. In  
architecture, it is an apparent, smooth, pure and  
complete approach that the function is at the  
forefront. Adolf Loss, Frank Lloyd Wright, Peter  
Behrens, Auguste Perret, Le Corbusier, Walter  
Gropius, Mies Van Der Rohe are regarded as  
pioneers of modernism [3]. Thomas Broad [4] says  
that the term of modern in architecture cannot have  
The International Style is the modern  
architectural trend that came to the fore in the 1920s  
and 1930s. Modernism and the International Style  
began to replace the tradition-oriented and  
modernistic directions [7]. It is based on a book by  
Henry Russell Hitchcock and Philip Johnson for the  
International Exhibition of Modern Architecture in  
New York in 1932. This exhibition was held to  
describe modern architectural works and the style.  
In this style, the seminal figures are Ludwig Mies  
van der Rohe, Walter Gropius, J. J. P. Oud and Le  
Corbusier [8]. Pile [7] emphasizes that all works in  
the exhibition have similar qualities: “flat roofs,  
smooth (and usually white) walls, large areas of glass  
and asymmetrical planning, along with a total of any  
historical or ornamental detail”.  
As tastes changed and the construction industry  
embraced the technology necessary to detail and  
build to this new aesthetic, industrial products  
became features and in many instances, along with  
the parallel decline in the use of ornamentation,  
came to define the essential character of a work of  
architecture [9].  
contemporary”. Nevertheless, Colquhoun [5] states  
that modern architecture is a term that is open to  
interpretation that can mean more than one. Based  
on abstraction and anti-historical expression,  
architecture was seen as an expression form in art in  
modernism and it also emerged increasingly from  
In the International Exhibition of Modern  
Architecture, there were eleven works and the  
interior illustrations were included in these works.  
Citation: Özsavaş Uluçay N (2020). A method proposal  
for interior design analysis via Villa Savoye. J. Art Arch.  
Stud., 9 (1): 05-13.  
Journal of Art and Architecture Studies  
ISSN 2383-1553  
J. Art Arch. Stud. 9(1): 05-13, June 15, 2020  
Özsavaş Uluçay, 2020  
This was one of the basic principles of modernism, functionality, and spatial structure, Villa Savoye is  
as architectural design included interiors and these not only a good example of the international style  
illustrations had the same features such as the and five points of modern architecture Le Corbusier  
absence of historic and ornamental detail just like based on his architectural view but also becomes a  
the external form of the building [7]. “Among the milestone that has a great impact on interior design.  
principles of the International Style, volume, For this reason, it is aimed to conduct space analyses  
regularity, and the avoidance of applied decoration of Villa Savoye within the determined method, which  
were explored in special detail” [10].  
reflects all the features of the period. Due to the fact  
Villa Savoye, which is the subject of this study, is that it is one of the important examples of modern  
one of the important examples of the International period interior design and its widespread influence  
Style. In this project, the mentioned internal- on today's design approach, this structure was  
external relationship is emphasized to a great extent. chosen as a sample.  
The project was designed by the Swiss origin French  
architect Le Corbusier (Charles Edouard Jeanneret) METHODOLOGY  
(1887-1965). For Philip Johnson who was curated  
and co-authored the catalogue and book of the This study aims to present a method for analysis of  
exhibition, Le Corbusier's "Vers Une Architecture" many studies in the field of interior architecture. As  
signalled the beginning of the new style [11]. Le a result of the researches, it is seen that there is no  
Corbusier is known with his designs in the style of certain method for analysing the space. It is  
Modernism and the International Style. He believed anticipated that determining the criteria for interior  
the aesthetic of engineering for modernism and his design analysis will be useful for guiding future  
designs was always regulated by an orderly, studies and creating a systematic analysis. To create  
mathematical modular system [12]. According to Le  
a method, the definitions and limitations of  
Corbusier; “Architecture is the masterly, correct and profession determined by international federations  
magnificent play of masses brought together in light” (such as IFI: International Federation of Interior  
[13]. Le Corbusier and Pierre Jeanneret explained Architects/Designers, ASID: American Society of  
five points towards a new architecture in 1926. The Interior Designers), and the criteria determined by  
first item is the supports that he expresses as the  
“pilotis”. Thus, the walls cease to be carriers and the architecture/design education (such as ECIA:  
mass is separated from the floor by columns. The European Council of Interior Architects, CIDA: The  
second one is the roof gardens. Gardens are located Council for Interior Design Accreditation) are taken  
on the flat for the natural environment and into consideration. In addition to the mentioned  
structural harmony. The third one is the free criteria, the classifications and definitions in the  
designing of the ground-plan. Free plan design can books of Pile [12] and Ballast [16] are discussed and  
be made because the walls are not any longer an analysis scheme is created. In this context, the  
carriers. The fourth item is the horizontal windows building is aimed to be handled separately within its  
(ribbon windows). Horizontal windows along the physical and aesthetic environment.  
facade and providing light to the rooms. The fifth  
Considering as a part of a whole, it is seen that  
item is free design of the facade. It provides free the aesthetic and physical needs of the structure are  
designs that separate the facade from the structural defined by the general needs. These emerge from the  
function of the building [14]. Roth [15], emphasizes needs of the whole rather than a singular function  
that the five points of modern architecture [17]. In Pile’s book there are three stages of space  
mentioned by Le Corbusier, are seen in Villa Savoye evaluation. These are Function, Structure and  
with its structural frame with pilotis that lift the Materials, Aesthetics. When these three stages are  
mass off the ground, its free plan by means of the examined in detail; function stage consists of the size  
concrete frame, highlighting the floors from the and shape of space, placement, and choice of  
carrier columns, horizontal windows providing good furniture, circulation, lightning and acoustical  
illumination and a roof garden inspired by the environment. Structure and materials stage consists  
Mediterranean architecture.  
of material selection according to function,  
Interior design, which was a tradition before the durability, maintenance ease, good quality  
20th century, started to be seen as a profession with construction and cost, safety and environmental  
the 20th century. In this period, there were two conditions [12]. In this study space analysis divided  
different approaches in professional practices, both into two parts. In the first part, the physical  
traditionalist and innovative. With its simplicity, environment deals with function, structure, and  
J Art Arch Stud. 9(1): 05-13, 2020  
materials as a whole. This section is divided into  
architecture and interiors design. Information about  
the structure and the function is given, construction,  
facade, mass, mechanical systems, wall, ceiling,  
floor, dominance, and circulation are examined in  
this section. The second part, called aesthetic  
environment, is evaluated in two sections as  
elements of design and principles of design. In Pile’s  
book [12]; design elements are point and line; form  
of shape; texture, pattern, ornament; value and  
colour; opacity, transparency, translucency. And  
principles of design are size, scale, proportion; unity  
and variety; balance; rhythm; emphasis. For  
evaluating space design, harmony and light should  
be in the list of analysis. In the book of Ballast [16],  
elements of design are form, scale, colour, texture,  
pattern, and light; also the principles of design are  
balance; harmony and unity; rhythm; emphasis and  
focus; contrast and variety; proportion. Thus, the  
aesthetic part of the method is completed with these  
sections. The classification required for a space  
design analysis is determined. The analysis scheme  
used in the study is below.  
Figure 1. Villa Savoye, Poissy, France [18].  
Physical enviro nment  
Villa Savoye is known as a structure where five  
basic principles of Le Corbusier on architecture can  
be seen. The villa was designed as a residence and  
later started to be used as an exhibition gallery. It  
was built in Poissy, near La Seine River, 30 km from  
Paris in France. It is located on large green land and  
is located separately from the main street and other  
residential areas.  
1) Architectural (function, structure,  
material and mechanical systems): The  
building was designed primarily as a residence, and  
it is observed that suitable solutions are made for  
the housing function. However, there is currently no  
function plan other than exhibiting. With a ramp,  
general usage, core concept, integrated design with  
nature, and adequate space analysis show usage in  
accordance with the function plan. Villa Savoye  
looks like a box raised from the ground and is  
located on its thin columns. Le Corbusier had shown  
that the building could get carried to the columns  
without bearing walls. It was built using reinforced  
concrete [19]. The facade has a simple mass. The  
horizontal windows of the house are not interrupted  
even in the open-top balcony section, the facades of  
this section are also shown as living room windows.  
Birksted [20] states that Le Corbusier created a  
major turning-point in architecture with these  
windows stated in five points of modern  
At other times, they hold a thin metal section  
window frame, painted black and set nearly flush  
with the white concrete wall, except for a minimal  
drip. The wall itself creates a rebate on the internal  
face, providing the window with a ledge. The  
rebate is on the interior face of the wall, leaving the  
external wall smooth and flat. Thus any differences  
between the outdoor openings of the internal  
courtyard and the internal window openings are  
Table 1. Interior design analysis scheme  
Physical Environment  
Aesthetic Environment  
Mechanical Systems  
-electrical, sanitary,  
acclimatization, fire,  
Harmony and Unity  
Emphasis and Focus  
Contrast and Variety  
Villa Savoye interior design analysis  
All the cited papers in the text must be listed in  
References. All the papers in References must be  
cited in the text. Villa Savoye was designed by Le  
Corbusier and his cousin Pierre Jeanneret in 1926 in  
Poisy / France for the Savoye family. It is among the  
11 projects exhibited in the International Exhibition  
of Modern Architecture and is one of the best  
examples of the International Style. Villa Savoye put  
its stamp on this period with its simplicity and  
design; horizontal windows, terrace gardens, and  
the structure separated from the ground with thin  
columns. The mutual relationship between the  
interiors and architectural structure draws  
Özsavaş Uluçay, 2020  
eliminated [20]. Le Corbusier [21] describes Villa  
Savoye as “the house is a box above the ground,  
perforated all around, without interruption, by a  
long horizontal window…“ The regular geometric  
ratio on the facade draws attention. The form of the  
villa gains motion with circular walls. The garage is  
located at the bottom of the house and can be  
reached from a ramp. This ramp serves the  
transportation of all floors from the entrance to  
terrace floor.  
and a free plan is formed. Ramps, fluidity in space  
and correct analysis of circulation provide a free  
plan. Independence of interior walls from the  
uninterrupted and free spaces [23]. Also, the facade  
design independent of the carrier, which was the  
feature of that period, was allowed to horizontal  
windows without encountering the obstacle of the  
Figure 3. View of the carriers [24]  
The building has a grid plan model and is in a  
square form. It is calculated based on the golden  
ratio and divided into two symmetrical areas. The  
ramp, which is the vertical circulation area that  
connects the floors to the intersection point of these  
areas, is positioned [25]. The entrance hall, garage,  
maid’s room, laundry room are at the entrance of  
the building. There is a ramp at the entrance that  
leads the visitors up. Bedrooms, bathrooms, toilets,  
kitchen, and living room are on the first floor. Also,  
the roof designed as a terrace has a small garden.  
The ramp continues from the hall on the first floor  
to the solarium and roof terrace on the second floor.  
The terrace and garden roof create free usage as in  
the whole structure.  
Figure 2. Villa Savoye floor plans [15]  
Detailed drawings of the building’s mechanical  
systems (electrical, sanitary, acclimatization) could  
not be reached. However, when the structure is  
examined, attention is paid to natural lighting. The  
rooms were located according to the sun’s direction  
and space arrangements had been made according  
to the natural lighting. Clean and wastewater  
systems show an innovative approach compared to  
the period in which they built. Besides, the free  
passages of the spaces and the open terraces provide  
natural air circulation. Drawings of fire and  
security, heat, acoustics, graphics and guidance  
could not be reached. However, in addition to the  
dampness problem, it is stated with a letter written  
by the homeowners that rainwater comes in [22].  
This negative situation indicates that mechanical  
systems were considered but there were problems in  
the application.  
Figure 4. The ramp [26]  
The relationship between the exterior and  
interior of the building is quite clear and excessive.  
When we consider it as a house, we need to divide  
spaces into private, semi-private, and public spaces.  
While interiors are partially separated by the walls,  
the free plan set up, the interior-exterior  
relationship established with the windows  
surrounding the spaces, and the use of the roof as a  
terrace reflect this. Carriers and windows are among  
the main elements that dominate the building. In  
some interior walls, the use of dominant color and  
material and mechanical systems): Savoye's  
thin and numerous columns carrying the big body,  
creating the feeling of flying, constitute the carrier  
system. The columns, which continue on all floors  
and the terrace, are not interrupted and it can be  
seen that they continue inside the windows in  
interiors. As the columns are not very rough in  
mass, the visibility of the system is an aesthetic  
element. The carrier system and the dividing system  
consisting of walls are separated from each other  
J Art Arch Stud. 9(1): 05-13, 2020  
free plan layout draw attention. The dominant  
element in the interior is the ramp that provides the  
circulation of the space. Considering the interior  
and exterior relationship, the density of the gardens  
and the gardens on the terraces can be shown as the  
dominant element.  
this integrity and openings. In the interior, its  
appearance as thin columns adds an aesthetic  
Brooker and Stone [23] divided scale into  
people, rooms, and buildings. As the building scale,  
the structure spreads over a large area. It has  
a heavy and large mass with the  
appearance of hanging in the air. In the scale of the  
room, the interior spaces are visually clear as they  
are defined by a free plan. Transparency, which  
does not interfere with the spaces instead of the  
dominant walls that cover each other, supports the  
fluidity of movement in the space. Considering that  
it is designed as a house, the area sizes of the rooms  
and the distribution of the furniture show that the  
spaces are very large in scale. This does not make  
the interior of the building easy to perceive.  
Some colours are seen as physical features  
and/or cultural connotations [1] as well as certain  
architectural period features. Colour, with its  
physical and psychological effects, can provide the  
perception of surfaces differently than they are. Tate  
states that [28] the effect of the colour used changes  
by its interaction with other colours, the size and the  
place of application, light, and textiles. For this  
reason, factors such as usage style, location, and  
intensity of use create a difference in the perception  
of space. Villa Savoye has a reputation for showing  
an important feature of this period with its white  
mass. White shows itself as it is completely  
intertwined with nature. In addition to columns that  
lighten the mass, horizontal windows provide  
transparency. To balance all this whiteness, dark  
and warm colours are used in the interior especially  
with wall surfaces and furniture. It can be said that  
this colour scheme indicates the characteristics of  
the period.  
Textures that materials naturally have or that  
can be applied to them often define the main  
characteristics of space [29]. In addition to the  
technical properties of the materials, the texture and  
pattern of the surface they possess create many  
perceptions such as temperature-coldness, weight-  
lightness added by the colour. Looking at Villa  
Savoye in terms of texture and pattern; smooth  
white wall and glass surfaces provide lightening in  
the texture. The dark colour preferred in furniture is  
balanced with glass and metal parts. With the dark  
colours and ceramic surfaces, smooth and white  
surfaces are tried to be balanced, but the whiteness  
of the very large areas created the feeling of  
emptiness in the space. The use of ceramic and  
mosaic in wet areas gives a bright and smooth  
Figure 5. Interior-exterior relationship [27]  
Aesthetic environment  
Pile [12] states that “in engineering, design may  
deal with sizing structural members, piping, or  
ducts, while in the fine arts it deals with the way an  
artist organizes the formal elements of line, shape,  
color, and texture in a space.” In this study,  
aesthetic environment examined in two parts as  
elements of design and principles of design. Villa  
Savoye has a sculptural structure that creates the  
feeling of being on a pedestal. It has features to  
cover many principles in terms of design. The  
correct integration and usability of these features  
with the function is important. It is seen that the  
concept of the garden, terrace, and free plan in a  
modern design affects the visual balance positively.  
1) Elements of design (form, scale,  
colour, texture, pattern and light): The form  
should be examined in two aspects, two-  
dimensional and three dimensional. The term of the  
two-dimensional describes the plan of the structure  
and the term of the three-dimensional describes the  
form created by the architectural elements such as  
furniture and columns beams [12]. In terms of form;  
Villa Savoye is a rectangular prism designed in  
accordance with the principles of purity, simplicity  
which is the pioneer of modernism. This form is  
disrupted only by the cylindrical walls surrounding  
the roof terrace sunbathing place, and the fixed  
mass gains motion. Columns that lie inside  
independently of the exterior and walls do not  
partition indoors and create a unique effect.  
Transparency supports the relation of spaces with  
each other. In the interior, the plan is divided  
symmetrically with the ramp in the middle.  
Horizontal dominant windows and width gather the  
perception in this direction. The fact that the carrier  
system is not reflected on the exterior also balanced  
Özsavaş Uluçay, 2020  
texture and a small size pattern. At the same time,  
with the green area and terrace gardens  
surrounding the building, the green texture is felt  
completely inside the house. Apart from these  
perceptions, different materials and textures are not  
balance is seen by dividing the centre with a ramp,  
the interior spaces are located asymmetrically. The  
continuation of the windows in the terrace gardens  
on the exterior and the arrangement of the columns  
provide balance by creating symmetry.  
Harmony in a composition is the agreement of  
the parts to each other and the whole [16]. From the  
perspective of harmony, the architectural and  
interior design elements form a meaningful whole.  
This meaningful integrity is an indication that they  
are in harmony with each other. Unity consists of  
the fact that the elements seemed to belong  
together, not randomly placed. Also, unity is formed  
when all elements agree in design [32]. The  
windows and walls, the column and the carrier  
system, and the interior spaces have a separate  
unity in themselves. It is intended to create  
harmony in the use of materials and colours in the  
facade and interior spaces of plain and simple lines,  
which are characteristic of modern architecture. The  
dominant layout in the horizontal and numerous  
delicate columns in the vertical is in a meaningful  
whole with each other.  
Light provides the realization of the vision event  
by perceiving all the properties of the objects. All  
spaces in Villa Savoye are designed to receive  
natural light. Since almost all of the spaces are in a  
close and open relationship with the exterior,  
natural light can be used excessively. The direction  
of the hall opening to the terrace is south, with tall  
windows so that it can be fully illuminated by  
sunlight. The bedrooms are located in the south-  
east, north-east direction, the main bedroom is in  
the south and can receive natural light. Since  
natural lighting is sufficient, a different lighting  
source is not needed during the day. Luminous  
windows from the ceiling have been opened to the  
spaces without windows like bathrooms. However,  
it is stated that this had become quite noisy on rainy  
Rhythm relates visual elements together in a  
regular pattern. Rhythm is an important element in  
both historic and modern design [12]. Repetition  
produces rhythm [7, 32]. Looking at the whole  
structure, there is a rhythm created with both  
horizontal and vertical element repetitions. The  
effects of surfaces on the rhythm continue with  
forms and colours. Vertical perception of columns  
and horizontal perception of windows is a rhythm  
consisting of contrasts both in the interior and the  
From the perspective of emphasis and focus, it  
is the line with the ramp that dominates the design.  
Despite the intensity of all horizontal and vertical  
linear lines, the ramp that rises up to the roof and  
reaches the roof is an indicator of fluency and  
circulation, emphasis and focus interiors and  
exteriors. At the same time, continuing both inside  
and outside provides integrity. The spatial  
dominance of terrace gardens is in the foreground.  
The predominant use of white is dominant and is  
supported in some places by primary colours. In  
terms of lighting, it is seen that natural lighting is  
the focus. Also, the internal-external relationship is  
dominated by the perception of transparency.  
However, the scale focus point was not kept in the  
space-user relationship.  
Figure 6. Bathroom [1]  
2) Principles of design (balance,  
harmony and unity, rhythm, emphasis and  
focus, contrast and variety, proportion):  
Balance can be created in several ways such as  
symmetrical, bilateral symmetry, radial symmetry  
and asymmetrical [12]. In the plan, symmetrical  
White [32] states that in order to one element to  
dominate another there must be contrast and it is  
related to dominance. There are repetitions with the  
carrier system and opposite directions with the  
J Art Arch Stud. 9(1): 05-13, 2020  
windows. Repetitions, hierarchy, and contrast  
appear in all elements as a whole. The repetition of  
horizontal windows on the facades, the repetition of  
the bearing system in the whole structure, the  
circular walls rising on the roof despite the  
completely angular lines and the staircase form also  
show that there are contrast and variety in the  
Proportion of an element is perceived according  
to the whole or the parts next to it [12, 32, 16]. Villa  
Savoye is a structure in which the internal-external  
relationship is strongly established. As in free plan  
understanding, there is no limit in interior spaces.  
The design is free as the walls are saved from being  
a carrier element. However, this freedom created in  
the interior of the building damages its suitability to  
the human proportion and creates a feeling of  
emptiness with very large volumes. It is seen that  
the exterior and the structure are proportional, the  
structure of the interior and the rooms do not have  
the same proportion.  
lighting was provided in the interior and integrity  
had been achieved with green nature.  
In the study, physical environments, which are  
architecture and interior design, and aesthetic  
environments consisting of elements and principles  
of design are analysed. The building has been one of  
the pioneers of modernism with an approach  
beyond the age and has shown innovative  
approaches in structure and material use. However,  
problems with functional solutions and mechanical  
systems have not been unnoticed. Although  
problems such as moisture and dampness were  
encountered, the fact that the mechanical system  
was available at that time is one of the most  
important features. Dominance and circulation  
issues are well emphasized in interior spaces, and  
free plan implementation is a great innovation for  
design. Walls and floors are detailed, but lighting  
windows related to ceilings have had negative  
When examined in terms of aesthetic  
environment, the simple form and design details  
used in the building are important for its period.  
However, although the scale is properly worked on  
the building, the relation of the interior space and  
the furniture is in accordance with a monumental  
structure rather than a house. White colour was  
used predominantly following the style of the period  
in which it was made, only some of the dominant  
dark colours on the walls and the materials and  
colours used in the furniture are also different. It is  
seen that natural lighting is at the forefront  
throughout the building, and even lighting windows  
are considered in the bathrooms. Unfortunately,  
homeowners had problems, especially in rainy  
weather due to the noise coming from these  
windows. The building plan provides a symmetrical  
visual balance by ramp, architectural and interior  
design elements have meaningful harmony. Unity is  
seen in walls-windows, carrier system and the  
facade. The fact that the horizontal windows and  
openings can be kept so large is also due to the  
positioning of the carrier system inside and adds an  
aesthetic value to the interior. Rhythm is seen in  
horizontal windows and structural repetitions.  
Principles of design such as contrast and variety are  
seen with emphasis and focus being on the ramp in  
the building centre, angular and circular lines, and  
directional contrasts.  
Figure 7. Exploded perspective drawing [33].  
Villa Savoye was designed with ideas beyond the era  
in terms of both architecture and interior space and  
became one of the pioneers of modern architecture.  
The building contains five points of modern  
architecture that Le Corbusier based on his  
architectural view. Free plan has been implemented  
that provides independence by removing the carrier  
feature of the walls. All carrier systems and walls are  
used as an aesthetic element. With the use of  
horizontal windows and terrace gardens, natural  
Considering all the criteria, two issues are open  
to discussion. The suitability of the house on a  
human scale is particularly controversial about  
proportion. In addition, according to complaints  
Özsavaş Uluçay, 2020  
[7] Pile J F (2005). A history of interior design. Second edition.  
United Kingdom: Laurence King Publishing. Google  
about moisture, humidity, and precipitation that  
may arise from the application, had Villa Savoye  
become a house that does not provide comfort for  
the users?  
[8] Anderson, S (1987). The Fiction of Function. Assemblage.  
[9] Fixler D (2008). Appropriate Means to an Appropriate  
End: Industry, Modernism, and Preservation. Apt Bulletin:  
Journal of Preservation Technology, 39 (4): 31-36. PDF,  
This study aims to present an interior design  
analysis method proposal for examining a building  
in detail and contribute to the literature. As a  
conclusion, definitions and limitations of interior  
architecture profession that determined by  
international federations and the accreditation  
institutions are examined. In addition, studies,  
methods, and classifications conducted in this  
context have been investigated. And an interior  
design analysis method is proposed. According to  
this method, the building is examined separately in  
physical and aesthetic environment. To make the  
method more readable an iconic building has been  
examined and the method has been adapted. Villa  
Savoye has achieved a successful result in terms of  
design for the period of modernism. According to  
the evaluations made in spatial analysis, it is seen  
that most of the stated principles have been  
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