J Art Arch Stud. 7(2): 21-27, 2018
ancestors, and it expresses the status and manner of inventor of electricity in the United States of this
life of its owners. There may be historical objects as type. In Iran, the large community of people,
well as works of art, including painting on the wall, "Master Abolhassan Saba", has become a museum
plastering, etc. The palace of the museums is usually and includes paintings, publications and personal
created at the governmental centers, the purpose of belongings [5].
which is the establishment of these museums to
showcase the history of the museum as well as the
study of Sadabad's palaces in Tehran and the Malek
Abad Moshhad Gardens of these museums.
Carpet or rug
Carpet or rug is a woven base from cotton, wool
and, in some cases, silk, which is usually used to
Art museums: There are a variety of visual and cover the earth. Since carpets and rugs have always
aesthetic arts exhibitions and usually have a lot of had beautiful robes, today they are also considered
visitors, the Museum of Fine Arts in Tehran and the to be decorative.
Museum of Decorative Arts in Isfahan.
Museum of Science and Natural Exhibitions:
Scientific experiments are based on the evidence,
Tabriz and carpet art
With regard to the history of carpet in Tabriz, it
and the natural and historical works and can be said that according to the historic history of
instruments that cover various plant species, this city, the art of carpet weaving is in fact before
especially avian species. The Natural History the Safavid era. In the second half of the fifteenth
Museum of Isfahan and the Museum of Natural century and during the Safavid period, the carpet
Sciences and Science of Mashhad are of this type.
turned into a state-of-the-art rural courtyard.
Local or regional museums: represent the Another important development in the carpet of this
culture of a region or a particular neighborhood and period was the designs created by the artists of the
only exhibit historical works and objects of the same court of Tabriz and Herat. Ian Bennet's book "Rugs
area. The Museum of Susa, Persepolis and Tous and Carpet of the World" finds another comment on
Museum in Khorasan are of this type.
the carpet of Tabriz during Safavid times, which is
Mobile museums: To quickly advance cultural quoted here: "A large number of medallion or
goals and due to the lack of opportunities in medley chunks that were in the early years of the
deprived areas and cities. These museum’s exhibit 16th century under the rule of Shah Isma'il I And
diverse cultures in different places. If this kind of Shah Tahmasb are woven, have a Slavic design and
museum is enough, it will be very impressive.
animal and human designs. "In this book, the author
Park Museums: Because of the various has tried to attribute a number of carpets in the
dimensions of science and culture, recreational and world's museums to the first half of the sixteenth
educational attractions, as well as entertainment, century to Tabriz workshops from the 17th century.
they are of great importance because they display Subsequently, after the Iranian carpet was found
natural and biological issues closely to the people. abroad, the artisans of Tabriz, with the taste of the
The important feature of these museums is that the people of Europe and the United States, began to
general public can benefit from them. There is no weave carpets that were very interesting and took
museum park in Iran, but it is common in countries the markets of those countries [6]. Tabriz is one of
like China and North Korea.
the most important knitting pillars of Iran in carpet
The cultural, national and historical places like weaving. Carpets, whether those that adorn the
Ferdowsi's Tomb in Mashhad, the tomb of Attar and world's prestigious museums or are in an
Khayyam in Neyshabur can be a good place to do so.
enthusiastic set of collectibles, or those that are on a
Museums of the Military: The historical process large scale, in the quality of the market, are well-
of the use of all kinds of military and military liked and well-liked. Compared to the statistics in
weapons is open to all. These types of objects include Tabriz and its suburbs, in 1966, 16,000 carpet
combat uniforms, guns and other combat gear.
workers worked on 32,150 weaver workers. Plus
The Museum of the Artists (House of Artists) is Several workshops have been working on carpets
intended to offer artists, writers, inventors and since many years ago. In recent years Tabrizi
inventors of the community, usually after their knitters have been turning to the production of
inception in their own homes, and includes personal extremely delicate silk carpets with a range of 50 and
belongings, tools and works of art, mostly in 60 on a large scale. Such carpets, some of which are
European countries It is common. Shakespeare's silken, are woven in mostly lacquer and bergamot
home is the famous English writer and Edison designs, often with beige and light beige colors, and